Deja Vu! hijacked!
In case you haven't noticed, things look a little different around here. For one, no images on the blog! And two, our website at is gone! Is this some kind of new subliminal marketing technique you ask? No, but if it works, we're patenting it. No, it is merely the kidnapping and subsequent holding for ransom of our website/email by our web hosting company, GISOL Inc., otherwise known as Global Internet Solutions, aka Our Worst Nightmare.
Because that company is so horrible and was actually demanding we pay a lot of money just to be able to keep our domain name, which we rightfully purchased and own, we decided the best choice was to remove our website from them all together, even though it means transitioning everything...repeat EVERYTHING over to a new web address. Yes, if you can believe it, it's happened again. And again GISOL is to blame! GRRRRR! Our new web address is We're so patriotic ;). We are in the process of transitioning now but the website is up and we have email again. Our new email address is so please be sure to update it and add it to your contacts. If you have emailed us in the last couple of weeks and have not gotten a response, please resend it to the new email address or feel free call us.
If you experience any links taking you to the wrong site or email, we apologize in advance. Please be patient with us as we have very little free time now that we are in our busy Fall season, but eventually we will get all the kinks worked out. As for the images on this blog, it would be an incredibly time-consuming task to change the links to all the images to the new server so they actually appear. For that reason, we would rather devote our limited time to our clients and their images/products so that they receive them in a timely manner. In other words, all previous posts on this blog may be image-less for quite a while or indefinitely. Only time will tell. Better to invest that time in trying to actually keep up with new blog posts instead, right?! But at least our website is now with a company whose mission statement DOES NOT include the words "screw the customer" and "extort money from them". Happy days!
Thanks in advance for your patience and understanding,
Curtis & Emily Snyder
Kismet Photography
(864) 350-2338
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