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Thursday, February 28, 2008

Going Green!

We try to be as earth friendly as possible in our personal lives. And this year we challenged ourselves to do the same for our business. Over the last few weeks, we've converted most of our documents (except contracts) into paperless PDFs that we can email to clients. We've also changed all the light bulbs in our office to compact fluorescents which use a lot less energy. Once we figure out how to get Ruby (our cat) to run on a wheel to power our PowerMac G5 computer we'll be all set :)

While searching for ways to be more green, we stumbled across this website that has a wedding carbon footprint calculator. We plugged in the figures from our wedding and our total was 25,750 lbs CO2.

That sounds like a lot especially since our wedding had less than 50 guests. If you ever wondered what kind of impact your wedding will have on the earth, go ahead and plug in your figures. The point here is not to start crossing people off your guest list....but if you would like to make your wedding more earth friendly and offset it's carbon footprint, here are some ideas we found online:

-Buy wine from a nearby vineyard or beer from a neighborhood brewery. Get your wedding cake from a local bakery, and use seasonal flowers, not imports.

-Anything you do to make your wedding a little more modest—from wearing a borrowed wedding dress to choosing recycled paper or a website for your invitations—will lower its contribution to carbon emissions.

-Buy 100% PCW recycled invitations that are processed without chlorine. Encourage guests to recycle their invitations, or have seeds embedded in the paper so that guests can plant the invitations and enjoy the flowers that grow from them.

If anyone has any other ideas, we'd love to hear them!

Curtis & Emily
Kismet Photography

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