Sarah & John's Engagement Portraits at Furman
Well Sarah & John were happily married this past Saturday so we feel now is the perfect time to post...their Engagement Portraits. Yeah, we're a little behind but bear with us. It has been a crazy few weeks leading up to the Wedding Festival and an even crazier couple of weeks since.
Sarah & John thought it would be cool to go to their Alma Mater for their session and we couldn't agree more. We feel it is always a great idea to do at least part of your engagement portraits at a place that is meaningful or special to you and your fiance. And they wanted to get their children (of the furry variety) involved as well and we were happy to oblige. Check out some of the highlights.We stumbled upon this awesome staircase and are so glad we did. It's amazing what wonders you can find when you just open doors and walk into a place like you own it! ;)
Like we said, love the staircase and how all the lines lead your eye right to the smooching couple.
This photo has a hidden meaning or two. For one, they used to be roomates in a house on Paris Mountain. And two, the swan that conveniently strolled up beside them is extra cool because John's college nickname is Swan! Freaky coincidence or awesome photographers with swan-mind-control powers? We'll let you decide.
Toby and Wendy were all about performing for the camera.
Here is Wendy performing her "I know you're trying to walk with me but I'm just gonna lay here and roll around a bit" trick. We think she nailed it :) Between that and the Sun peaking through the trees so perfectly, we couldn't have planned the shot any better.
And they were so good for a nice family portrait.
It was at this point we were being serenaded by a Jazz music festival going on at the amphitheater. Did we mention that Sarah is an accomplished cellist that teaches lessons and has her very own awesome band, O Mello Cello Tree, with her friend Darby? Check em out and experience cello music like you never imagined.
The setting sun is some of the softest most beautiful light.
We have a few other sessions that we still need to post and this is the week to do it so keep on the lookout.
Curtis & Emily
Kismet Photography